Our Mission: Helping the people of Perth move better, feel great and give pain the flick – at home, at the office, or wherever you’re at

About Us

One sunny day in 2017 as Dan merrily went about his work as a therapy specialist at Massage On The Run, Tony its founder offered him an opportunity to actually own the business. Thrilled to his toes, Dan dashed home to tell Dinni, and soon after the business was theirs!

What Dan and Dinni had seen at Massage On The Run was the chance to make a real difference. Dan knew that massage was bringing his clients consistent results with physical pain relief, recovery and improvements to wellbeing.

Dan had worked as a chef for many years himself. He understood how long hours, high stress and repetitive strain could cause untold issues for the human body. Yet here was massage, a therapy that could help solve many of these problems and so much more.

It clearly felt like a calling. Dan and Dinni dived in.

Since then things at Massage On The Run have become busier and better than ever. Dan and Dinni have increasingly seen clients’ view of massage transform from simply “a treat’ – to an actual treatment that works across a long list of conditions and physical frustrations. With regular massage clients see speedier recovery and it leaves them feeling great.

  • Remedial Massage
  • Sports & Deep Tissue Massage
  • Relaxation Massage
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Reflexology Massage
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Seated/Chair Massage
  • Pamper Parties
  • Couples Massage
  • Corporate Massage

Book Today

Fully qualified, professional and caring, at Massage on the Run we are dedicated to your health, your wellness and your wellbeing. Have us customize an in-home massage treatment to address your therapeutic needs by getting in contact with our team today.

Meet Dan & Dinni Owner-Operators of Massage on the Run

Hey! I’m Dan

A multi-passionate entrepreneur, adventurer and unshakeable optimist dedicated to helping you to move better and feel great in the body you’ve got.

Me and my wife Dinni (who you’ll meet in just a bit) are the happy owners at Massage On The Run.

Born and raised a Swedish lad with an adventurous streak, a love for people and incurable curiosity, my life has forged an exciting path:

I’ve been a chef serving up edible experiences from pub grub to fine dining, managing kitchens large and small all over Sweden, not least being a favourite Swedish ski resort.

I trotted my way around the globe on planes, trains and automobiles – and includes working on a 3,500-car ocean vessel that ferried me to ports around Europe, the US and Asia.

I whistled across North America twice on the Amtrak train and did similarly Down Under on the Indian Pacific. So amazed was I by this Great Southern Land that I found my way back to Australia in 2000, to get my Communications degree in photography and film.

I’ve held live events ran clubs, photo-exhibits, wrote screenplays… and even produced and acted in a movie of my own making!

Such are my escapades before stumbling across massage-therapy!

After my studies I was working my photography business when the subject of fitness and health bowled me over and sucked me in. Before long, I was so absorbed that I knew it was time for a switch.

I swapped out my camera, for a personal training certificate from the Australian Institute of Fitness, and became focused on helping people feel strong and happy in their skin.

In my new work, fitness fanatics surrounded me much of the time. I began to see how massage therapy was helping a great many of them recover from muscle pain, injury and soreness.

Soon I was so taken by its benefits I decided to get massage-therapy-certified myself and worked as a personal trainer and a remedial, sports and deep tissue massage therapist at Massage On The Run.

These early years with Massage On The Run was an ideal apprenticeship, and in 2017 when Dinni and I got the chance to buy the business, we were in like Flynn!

Now, let me introduce Dinni, my wonderful ‘partner-in-“dime” (as well as in life and crime).

Dinni and I met in 2013, when serendipity had me visit Jakarta, Indonesia – where Dinni hails from.

Some things are just ‘meant to be’ and after months of wearing out our broadband with long-distance love, we happily tied the knot.

Turns out in life and business the two of us go together like peas and carrots, so here’s introducing her!


Hi, I’m Dinni!

And, like Dan said I’m Jakarta born! I grew up in the big, bustling city but it’s clearly not where I stayed. My work and curiosity had me exploring all of Indonesia, it’s cities, its remote and rural areas; then overseas I went, around the US and Europe. Not long after that I travelled through Asia - until finally, Australia!

It’s here to Perth I came to study English and HR Management, returning to Indonesia in 2002 – yet who knew I’d be back here pretty soon.

For 15 years I worked in industries from textiles to the oil business – and then the World Bank, developing strong administrative skills and liaising well with all ranks of people from high-level government officers, to corporate executives and community members.

After meeting Dan, In 2015 I neatly wrapped up my Indonesian work and life and hurried back over to Perth – starting a new chapter with Dan and not long after, Massage On The Run.

While being a business owner can be challenging at times, it’s mostly exciting and fun. I love talking with people, making sure things are organised and working like they should.

There are those times I’m not at my desk - and on my yoga mat instead!

I’m passionate about yoga - as well as meditation. In Indonesia I would practice every day, attend yoga retreats and workshops to soak up as much as I could. I’ve been getting back to this again and it’s so great for my body and mind – and with massage having similar healing effects, it’s no surprise I love these like I do.

If you’re a yoga fan, be sure to tell me when we chat. I’ll be looking after you online and answering any queries you have, all while Dan and the team do what they do to help you move better, feel great and get the pain relief you need - exactly where you’re at!


Our Guarantee to you

'Massage on the Run' has been recognised for its outstanding service. We are proud to be partners of Children in Need, Quality Resort Sorrento, Mount Hospital, Murdoch University Guild ...and many more.

Our aim is to provide you with a team of therapists with extensive experience who really care for you and your needs. Our Guarantee to you is enjoy your massage 100% or get your full money back.

But don't take our word for the quality trusted service we provide, have a look at our (very long!) list of testimonials to see what we can do for you and go ahead and try it for yourself